The Water our treasure: Environmental Educational Program to the rational use of the hidric resource of Santa Marta, Puriscal, Costa Rica

The Water our treasure: Environmental Educational Program to the rational use of the hidric resource of Santa Marta, Puriscal, Costa Rica


  • Daniela Vasquez-Obando Universidad Estatal a Distancia


Diagnosis, Attitude, Measurement of attitude, Knowledge, Non formal education


The water our treasure is an environmental education program that promote the rational use and water care among students of I and II cycle of Santa Marta of Puriscal School, Costa Rica. The program was developed from February to May 2011 and it’s characterized by the dynamic of workshops with practical educational activities, which generate the
interest of children toward water sources of their community, realize of its problem and their participation in the transmission of the message of conservation. With a population of 37 students was opened a space during school hours and also with the use of evaluation´s methods was determined a positive change in the cognitive and attitude level toward water care.


Author Biography

Daniela Vasquez-Obando, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Programa de Manejo y Protección de Recursos Naturales, Escuela de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales


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How to Cite

Vasquez-Obando, D. (2012). The Water our treasure: Environmental Educational Program to the rational use of the hidric resource of Santa Marta, Puriscal, Costa Rica. Biocenosis, 26(1-2). Retrieved from