Environmental Education in the Tirimbina Biological Reserve

Environmental Education in the Tirimbina Biological Reserve


  • Eugenia Cordero-Schmidt Reserva Biológica Tirimbina


Bats, Drwings, Sarapiqui


Tirimbina Biological Reserve (TBR) has an Environmental Education Program for over 10 years. Each year they work
with a different theme, during 2010 it was “Bats”. The work dynamics consists of two stages: during the first, children of second cycle of nine schools visit Tirimbina. In the second stage, the staff of the Environmental Education Program of the Reserve visits the nine schools. The results presented below are the product of the use of questionnaires and interpretation of drawings made by children.

Author Biography

Eugenia Cordero-Schmidt, Reserva Biológica Tirimbina

Departamento Académico


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LaVal, R. y Rodríguez, B. (2002). Murciélagos de Costa Rica. Costa Rica: INBIO. 320 p.

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How to Cite

Cordero-Schmidt, E. (2012). Environmental Education in the Tirimbina Biological Reserve. Biocenosis, 26(1-2). Retrieved from https://revistas.uned.ac.cr/index.php/biocenosis/article/view/570