Mario A. Boza-Loria (1942-2021): A Life Dedicated to the Protection of Natural Areas and Environmental Education

Mario A. Boza-Loria (1942-2021): A Life Dedicated to the Protection of Natural Areas and Environmental Education


  • Jaime E. García González Universidad Estatal a Distancia



Mario Boza, environmental education, national parks, nature conservation, protected areas


The life and trajectory in the environmental field of Mr. Mario Boza is summarized, beginning with his studies and postgraduate courses that led him to become interested in the protection of nature. Upon completion of his master's degree, he held the position of Head of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife. His outstanding participation in the university academy of three public universities, as well as in other organizations at the national and international level, is also mentioned. In addition, the multiple awards received for their work in favor of safeguarding nature are cited. Finally, the legacy and the seven main achievements made in life by Don Mario in the environmental area are synthesized.

Author Biography

Jaime E. García González, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Dr. sc. agr., extensionista-investigador y profesor catedrático jubilado del Centro de Educación Ambiental de la UNED y de la Escuela de Biología de la UCR.



How to Cite

Jaime E. García González. (2022). Mario A. Boza-Loria (1942-2021): A Life Dedicated to the Protection of Natural Areas and Environmental Education. Biocenosis, 33(Especial), 7–19.