
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • El artículo es original, no ha sido publicado previamente, ni se ha presentado a otra revista. En el ítem "N" encuentra el documento de Declaraci´´on de autenticidad y permiso para publicar el artículo.
  • El fichero enviado está en formato Microsoft Word.
  • Web addresses (URL) have been added for references where it has been necessary and the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​​is available.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the guidelines for authors that are described below. They can also be downloaded in the About section of the magazine.
  • Todas las figuras y cuadros están dentro del texto en el sitio que les corresponde. Además se adjuntan en un archivo aparte en formato Excel o JPG.

Author Guidelines


Article Submission Guidelines

A. Articles must comply with the American Psychological Association (APA) standards (seventh edition, 2010) and meet the following formal requirements:

B. The text should be concise, clear, and written in accordance with the rules of the Royal Spanish Academy.

C. A maximum of 25 pages (including graphics and literature), in single-column format, double-spaced, in Arial 12-point font (approximately 6000 words).

D. The first page should include the following information:

a. Article title in both Spanish and English.

b. Name and two surnames of the author(s), institutional affiliation, email address, and ORCID identifier.

c. Abstract (in Spanish and English). It should not exceed 225 words, and there should be consistency between the Spanish and English versions, both of which should be labeled as "resumen" and "abstract," respectively.

d. A maximum of six keywords (minimum five), in both Spanish and English.

E. Regarding arithmetic writing, adhere to the International System of Units (Law 5292, Republic of Costa Rica). Examples: 0.721 – 275.76 – 19,993 – 1876 – 245. When not followed by units, whole numbers from zero to ten are written with words (e.g., "one," "two," etc., and not 1, 2, etc.).

F. Unit symbols: liters (l), grams (g), kilograms (kg), seconds (s), minutes (min), hours (h), millimeters (mm), centimeters (cm), meters (m), kilometers (km); units are written in lowercase and without a period.

G. Abbreviations are explained the first time they are used. The abbreviation for the word "number" will be (nº).

H. Figures (charts and photographs) or tables sent should be inserted into the article according to the author's discretion, with their respective numbering, description, and explanatory or source notes (source of information/photograph authorship, location where it was taken, month). Additionally, they should be attached in a separate file in Excel or JPG format.

I. Short citations will be included within the text. They are indicated in parentheses with the author's last name, the year of publication of the work, and the page. Example: (Mata, 2005, p. 47). For more than two authors, use "et al." (Rodríguez et al., 2006).

J. References, which should be limited to those cited in the article, will appear at the end of the document, in strict alphabetical order, in accordance with APA guidelines.

K. Explanatory footnotes are not allowed.

L. The author must register on the journal's virtual platform to submit their article, which will then undergo the evaluation process (if applicable).

M. Articles, essays, and bibliographic reviews submitted to the journal are reviewed through the "double-blind peer review" system, so ensure that the "author guidelines" are followed.

N. Contributions must be accompanied by the authenticity statement and authorization for publication, which can be downloaded here: Declaration of Authenticity and Authorization for Article Publication.

O. The review process for articles takes approximately 14 weeks from the author's submission: this includes the initial assessment (it could be rejected at this stage by the Advisory Board of the journal), the evaluation and review by peer reviewers who may reject it, accept it, or accept it with modifications, and the process of correction and adaptation of the writing by the authors and the style reviewer. Subsequently, the author will be notified of the final acceptance of the manuscript in its latest version.

Examples of references:


Rodríguez, M., Zúñiga, M. E. y Guier, E. (2002). Didáctica Ambiental. San José, Costa Rica: EUNED.

Journal article

Quirós, L. (2004). Coexistencia entre comunidades y recursos naturales: una mirada a dos experiencias. Biocenosis, 18 (1-2), 50- 53.

Harms, C. A.; Fleming, W. J. & Stoskopf, M. K. (1997). A technique for dorsal subcutaneous implantation of heart rate biometry transmitters in black ducks: application in an aircraft noise response study. The Condor, 99:231-237.


Gómez, M. (2005). Estudio hidrogeológico integral de las cuencas hidrográficas de los poblados El Coro, Ocotal, Carrillo, Bustamante. Tesis de Maestría. Escuela Centroamericana de Geología, Universidad de Costa Rica.

Newspaper article

Cantero, M. (2006). Señalan áreas metropolitanas con mayor contaminación. En Aldea Global. La Nación, San José (CR); lunes 21 de marzo: 16A.

Internet article

Rojas Vargas, S. (2008). Cinco acciones sencillas que puedes realizar para  mantener limpio el planeta. Biocenosis. Vol. 21 (1-2).

Bermúdez Rojas, T.,  Obando Acuña, V. (2021). Biodiversidad en cifras: avances en el conocimiento de especies en Costa Rica. Biocenosis, Vol. 32(2).

For more detailed information on reference formatting, you can visit the website: 


  1. Cover - Editorial

    The editorial section combines the contributions of the works published in each issue, offering an opinion on the production and appraising the significance of the contributions.

  2. Articles

    The articles are scientific dissemination writings that originate from specialized knowledge, reworked to cater to a general audience. Their aim is to make knowledge more accessible to readers not specialized in scientific or technological subjects. They should include a title, authors (with their affiliations), an abstract, and keywords. The body of the text comprises an introduction, methodology, results, and discussion (optional). Additionally, there should be conclusions, acknowledgments (optional), and updated bibliographic references (with at least 70% being no more than five years old).

  3. Ensayo científico

    A written piece that presents and discusses the results of a research, following a structure that includes introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions. It is designed to communicate the results clearly and objectively, supported by scientific evidence.

  4. Biographical review

    The writing should encompass the most pertinent aspects of the individual's life, and it is imperative to incorporate references that substantiate the provided information.

  5. Book review
    Expository-argumentative text about a published text of interest to the Biocenosis magazine.
  6. Didactic guide

    Within the Biocenosis journal, instructional guides are materials designed to facilitate the sensitization, comprehension, and learning process of specific topics for readers. They should serve as valuable tools, employing diverse educational strategies that are engaging and compelling for the reader. These guides aim to spark the reader's interest and encourage them to delve deeper into the subject matter or issue at hand. Ultimately, their purpose is to assist the reader in integrating their newfound knowledge with additional information or content, thereby guiding them through their learning journey.


  7. Reproductions

    Biocenosis will publish reproductions of noteworthy articles, in accordance with the thematic scope of the journal.

Privacy Statement

Los nombres y direcciones de correo-e introducidos se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por esta revista y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona.
