Editorial Team

Editorial Team


Wendy Garita Azofeifa/Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica.
Licenciada en Educación Ambiental y Biología Tropical



Soledad Urbina Vargas/ Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica.
Máster en Lingüística  y  Filología Española

* We have the support of associates editors.

Olga Durán Monge/ Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación (SINAC)

Máster en Gestión Ambiental y Desarrollo Sostenible, Universidad La Salle -Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación con Énfasis en Administración Educativa de Programas de Educación No Formal

Henry Arias Guido/ Ministerio de Educación Pública (MEP)

Licenciatura en Docencia- Bachillerato en Biología

 Editorial Board
Adriana Villalobos Araya/ Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica
Magister Scientiae  en Agricultura Ecológica
Óscar Chacón Chavarría/ Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica
Máster en Gestión Ambiental
Jacqueline García Fallas/ Red de Cultura Ambiental-Consejo Nacional de Rectores -Universidad de Costa Rica
Doctorado en Educación- licenciatura en Filosofía

Alejandra Moreno García/ Laboratorio Biología Celular y Microbiología. UA Ciencias Biológicas. Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas. Zacatecas, México

Doctorado en Ciencias Biomédicas

Heidy Vega García/ Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Doctorado en Estudios Latinoamericanos- Máster en Ciencias en Relaciones Internacionales y Diplomacia con énfasis en Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo

Advisory Board

Patricia Rojas Núñez/ Red de Cultura Ambiental-Consejo Nacional de Rectores -Universidad de Costa Rica; costa Rica

José Millán Araujo / Programa Interdisciplinario de Investigación y Gestión del Agua (PRIGA)-Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Bernal Herrera Fernández/ Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Cordillera Volcánica Central (FUNDECOR)- Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN), Costa Rica

Andrea Suárez Serrano/ Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Monserrat Espinach Rueda/ Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica

Carmen Roldán Chacón/ Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal (FONAFIFO), Costa Rica

Gladys Jiménez Valverde/ Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, Costa Rica

Federico Alice Guier/ Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Carlos Calleja Amador/ Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Costa Rica

César Sancho Solís/ Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica

Marvin Torres Hernández/ Universidad Técnica Nacional, Costa Rica

Adrián Ruiz Rodríguez/ Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica


Technical team

Layout Designer: 

José Pablo Cordero, EUNED, Costa Rica


Soledad Urbina Vargas, UNED, Costa Rica


Centro de Idiomas de la UNED, Costa Rica

Layout Designer:

José Pablo Cordero, EUNED, Costa Rica

Functions of the Editorial Team of the Biocenosis Magazine


  • Ensure the academic and formal quality of the magazine.
  • Propose thematic directions.
  • Foster connections with external contributors to the publishing entity.
  • Represent the magazine in academic circles to increase its visibility.
  • Understand the readers' needs and interests.
  • Uphold the quality of manuscript content.
  • Appoint national and international scientific advisors.
  • Ensure adherence to publication standards.
  • Make decisions regarding the publication and dissemination of articles.
  • Collaborate with the editor to propose publication guidelines.
  • Provide guidance and review texts to identify those unsuitable for review.
  • Make decisions about editorial board invitations.
  • Supervise the editorial team's work.
  • Select reviewers for each article.
  • Monitor and allow reviewers an appropriate timeframe to complete their reviews, and maintain statistics.
  • Convene and participate in editorial board meetings, collaborating with members to develop the magazine.
  • Familiarize oneself with the administration of the OJS platform.


  • Verify that articles comply with the magazine's standards.
  • Layout publications (graphic composition of publications).
  • Send authors the results of reviews.
  • Suggest improvements to the manuscript to authors.
  • Co-coordinate special issues of the magazine with the director.
  • Keep the reviewer archive on the website updated, along with author guidelines, the magazine's mission, correspondence, integration into indexes, databases, portals, and more.
  • Manage design and style correction.
  • Compile articles.
  • Assist authors during the review process.
  • Track authors' compliance with deadlines (response time).
  • Communicate responses (both positive and negative) to the author.
  • Provide post-decision assistance.
  • Clarify the rationale for article rejections.
  • Offer support to new authors.
  • Provide guidance and review texts to identify those unsuitable for review.
  • Monitor the manuscript from receipt to acceptance.
  • Review layout proofs.
  • Manage the magazine's inclusion in indexes and databases.
  • Maintain up-to-date statistics on the number of submitted articles, rejections (rejection rate), evaluator response times, and other pertinent data.
  • Ensure long-term access and preservation of published information.
  • Maintain a comprehensive archive illustrating the flow of the process.

Electronic Journal Administrator (Webmaster):

  • Administer the article submission and publication platform using a content management system (such as OJS).
  • Create the visual design.
  • Execute programming tasks if necessary (HTML layouts).
  • Suggest value-added services for the magazine.
  • Construct indexes for the magazine or implement efficient search tools.
  • Leverage Web 2.0 resources to achieve superior results and manage magazine statistics.
  • Allocate metadata to the magazine (abstracts, keywords, author affiliations).

Editorial Board:

  • Attend meetings convened (typically virtual) by the magazine's director.
  • Ensure publication and adherence to publication schedules.
  • Review scientific and editorial quality standards.
  • Propose external reviewers.
  • Serve as reviewers in their field of expertise if required.

Associate Editor:

  • Attend meetings convened (typically virtual) by the magazine's director.
  • Evaluate the quality of manuscripts.
  • Propose actions to enhance the magazine.

Technical Team:

Layout Designer: Responsible for magazine layout design.

Philologist: Focus on formatting and style correction.

Translators: Tasked with translating titles, abstracts, and keywords.

Designers: Handle the visual presentation of the magazine.

