Quality control of the administrative services as academic support to the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Costa Rica

Quality control of the administrative services as academic support to the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Costa Rica


  • Javier Quesada Espinoza Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica




Service, Quality, Education, University, Satisfaction


The purpose  of this  paper  is to  assess  student satisfaction with the quality of the administrative service provided  at the  School  of Chemistry   of the University of Costa Rica. An adaptation of the SERVQUAL model  questionnaire was  used.  This questionnaire was administered to 102 students atall levels of the Chemistry major. The results revealed an important gap between students’ perception ofthe quality of the service and what it was expected from it. All dimensions of the model presented a similar gap, with a global mean for the instrument of -1.01 (s = 0.31). The dimensions were correlated with sociodemographic characteristics, which established a relationship between students’ age and their progress in the major. Regression models were generated, which highlight students’ progress in their major as the predictor of their satisfaction. The results show aspects that need to be improved to provide a suitable administrative service that supports academic training.


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How to Cite

Quesada Espinoza , J. . (2019). Quality control of the administrative services as academic support to the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Costa Rica . The National Administration Review, 10(1), 141–159. https://doi.org/10.22458/rna.v10i1.2473