Anthropogenic materials used by birds to nest in an urban landscape of Costa Rica

Anthropogenic materials used by birds to nest in an urban landscape of Costa Rica




Nest, Plastic waste, Pollution, Wildlife-human interactions


Introduction: Urbanization has affected the materials available for bird nesting, including anthropogenic materials that may be dangerous to the birds. Objective: To quantify the materials used by several bird species in an urbanized environment. Methods: We evaluated the composition of 20 nests in the campus of Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. Results: 53% of nests contained anthropogenic waste, classified in 13 types; the most common were wool, strings and thread. The species with the highest percentage of anthropogenic nest weight was Campylorhynchus rufinucha. Conclusion: There is a widespread use of anthropogenic materials to nest in these urban Costa Rican birds. 


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How to Cite

Esquivel, C., De la O, J. M., Sánchez Vargas, S. ., Paniagua, S., Esquivel Cambronero, A., Núñez, D., & Quesada Ávila, G. (2020). Anthropogenic materials used by birds to nest in an urban landscape of Costa Rica . UNED Research Journal, 12(2), e3124.


