Determinación de descriptores sensoriales para un producto untable a base de frijol gandul (Cajanus cajan) mediante dos grupos focales
The focus group technique is wide used to determine attributes for an innovating product. The pigeon pea is an alternative crop that offers an option for food security, fixes nitrogen in the soil, protects river basins and has a high nutritional value. I used two mini focus groups to identify the most important sensorial descriptors of a hummus-like spreadable product made from the folk variety of pigeon pea. The techniques that were used were: drawing, planetarium, sampling and comparison with competitors. The descriptors were: beige color, hummus like taste, small lumps or totally homogeneous, oxibiodegradable packaging, transparent lid, no colorants or preservatives and spreadable texture. It was categorized as a natural, healthy and convenience product that is preferred to be accompanied with pita bread and chips. The jalapeño hummus was preferred, followed by the traditional flavor and finally the dill and celery flavor. I recommend additional sensorial analysis, physical chemical and microbiological tests, a market study and a Quality Function Development before launching the product to the market.
Pigeon pea, mini focus group, hummus, attributes, sensorial analysis, consumer requirements
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