Use of an “app” as an arrangement learning support tool in the Computing Logic Course of the Distance State University

Use of an “app” as an arrangement learning support tool in the Computing Logic Course of the Distance State University


  • Esteban Chanto Sánchez Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), 474-2050 Mercedes de Montes de Oca, San José-Costa Rica
  • Carmen Andrés Jiménez Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), 474-2050 Mercedes de Montes de Oca, San José-Costa Rica



information technology, distance education, computer app, mobile phone, educational computing


Introduction: e-learning is growing around the world exponentially and locally adapted applications or “apps” are useful. Objective: to learn if low performing students in a course about unidimensional and multidimensional structures would be motivated to learn with the help of an app. Methods: we applied a survey to students of Computing Logic who used the app. Results: each student prefers didactical materials which can be used within their mobile dispositive and rated the app positively. Conclusions: the app must have video tutorials, solved exercises, readings and podcasts, as well as a section to set daily goals that can motive students. Furthermore, they want to be able to choose learning options that produce the same final result; and both students and teachers need to get involved with the app.


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How to Cite

Chanto Sánchez, E., & Andrés Jiménez, C. (2019). Use of an “app” as an arrangement learning support tool in the Computing Logic Course of the Distance State University. UNED Research Journal, 11(2), 65–74.


