Reviewed by fishermen on the Caiman crocodilus ( Crocodilia : Alligatoridae ) of the Wildlife Refuge Caño Black , Costa Rica
Crocodilian-human conflict, Conservation, Crocodylia, Community based knowledge.Abstract
The spectacled caiman, Caiman crocodilus, has a significant population in the Caño Negro Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica, and some fishermen consider them a cause for the decline of sh stocks. We did semi-structured and open interviews with fishermen in central Caño Negro, Las Cubas and Veracruz on: 1) impact on the eco- system and interactions with humans; and 2) beliefs and traditions. All respondents felt that stocks have decreased in both abundance and diversity, in the river and ponds, and 38% of the community interacts little with these reptiles and do not consider them a problem for sh- ing activities. There is interest in a management that includes leverage reptile skin and flesh.
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