Smart specialization: a possible strategy for Costa Rica

Smart specialization: a possible strategy for Costa Rica




Innovation, RIS3 strategy, economic development, regional strategy, innovation hubs


Innovation is a strategic factor in the economic, social and cultural development of the country aiming at reaching high levels of growth and well-being for its population.

For over 20 years the Basque Country has been developing an innovation model with ecosystem stakeholders through the Smart Specialization Strategy, which makes it a European reference and an innovation hub.

The implementation of the “smart” strategies involves integrated agendas for territorial economic transformation, political support and investments for development through technological and research centers, R&D units, strategic clusters and universities as key actors generating knowledge.



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How to Cite

Cortés Muñoz, M., Barrantes Ramírez , C., Marchena Bustos, M., Halabi Guardia , K., & Sánchez Espinoza, S. (2020). Smart specialization: a possible strategy for Costa Rica. The National Administration Review, 11(2), e3197.