Resources and competitiveness in Mexico’s industrial food and beverage sub-branches (2004, 2009 y 2014)

Resources and competitiveness in Mexico’s industrial food and beverage sub-branches (2004, 2009 y 2014)


  • Eric Israel Rios Nequis Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México
  • Daniela Edith Carbajal Cansino Universidad Politécnica Metropolitana de Hidalgo, México
  • Michelle Edith Hernández Solis Universidad Politécnica Metropolitana de Hidalgo, México



Competitive Advantage, Inventories,, Sales, Entry Barriers, Strategies


The research work includes a quantitative analysis of there resources available for the food and beverages industrial sub-branches  to generate  sales  and diminish competition in their respective competitive environments in Mexico for the 2004, 2009 and 2014 periods according to the economic census in INEGI. The evidence shows that initial inventories balances are a valuable resource because it positively affects sales and erodes competition, thus denoting the necessary elements to be a sustainable or superior competitive advantage.


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How to Cite

Rios Nequis, E. I. ., Carbajal Cansino, D. E. ., & Hernández Solis, M. E. . (2019). Resources and competitiveness in Mexico’s industrial food and beverage sub-branches (2004, 2009 y 2014). The National Administration Review, 10(1), 47–65.