Basic morphometry of thorny fruits in tacaco (Sechium tacaco; Cucurbitaceae) accessions

Basic morphometry of thorny fruits in tacaco (Sechium tacaco; Cucurbitaceae) accessions




Phenotypes, Central America, vegetable, plant breeding, diversity


Introduction: There are few studies on the morphology of tacaco (Sechium tacaco) fruits from different accessions. Objective: To do the morphological characterization of thorny fruits from tacaco accessions. Methods: Between July 2017 and September 2019, we measured 62 to 88 fruits with thorns from twelve tacaco accessions, at various sites in Costa Rica. Results: We found differences between accessions for all variables. The ranges of means between accessions were: weight (20,15-39,71g), length (45,92-61,33mm), width (33,26-42,77mm), thickness (25,85-30,86mm), number of complete longitudinal sutures (5,04-5,71), number of incomplete longitudinal sutures (0,75-2,27), total number of longitudinal sutures (5,84-7,52), number of thorns (3,18-24,30), length/width ratio (1,35-1,52), length/thickness ratio (1,77-2,08), and width/thickness ratio (1,25-1,44). Conclusion: There is an important variability in the morphological characteristics of these fruits. We document, for the first time, the existence of the “tacaquilla”, defined by small fruits.


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How to Cite

Monge-Pérez, J. E., & Loría-Coto, M. (2024). Basic morphometry of thorny fruits in tacaco (Sechium tacaco; Cucurbitaceae) accessions. UNED Research Journal, 16(1), e5268.


