Germination and growth of the tree Handroanthus chrysanthus (Bignoniaceae) under nursery conditions

Germination and growth of the tree Handroanthus chrysanthus (Bignoniaceae) under nursery conditions




Yellow Guayacan, Pre-germination, Propagation, Seedling survival, Organic substrates


Introduction: Selective logging of forests has significantly diminished the densities of Handroanthus chrysantha Jacq. in Colombia. Therefore, there is a need for studies that contribute to its management. Objective: We aimed to evaluate seed germination and the growth of seedlings under nursery conditions. Methods: Four pre-germinative, four organic substrates and two luminosity conditions were tested. We used a random multifactorial experimental design composed of 32 controlled factors. The main components were immersion of seeds in water at room temperature at different times, combinations of organic substrates and exposure of the factors to shade and sun. Results: We recorded 395 and 290 germinated seeds, corresponding to 51 and 38% of the total sown under shade and sun, respectively. The factors with the best germination values were immersion for 24 hours with alluvial sand and immersion for 24 hours with river sand of mixed with ant soil (2:1) under shade and, without immersion with alluvial sand+ground of ant 2:1 and immersion for 24 hours with chicken manure+ant soil 2:1 under sun. The highest growth in height, vigour and survival was observed in seedlings exposed to full sunlight in any of the combinations of organic substrates. Conclusion: The propagation of H. chrysantha should germinate the seeds under shadow and then expose them to the sun to stimulate their growth.


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How to Cite

Medina Arroyo, H. H., Torres Torres, J. J., Palacios Palacios, C. A., Ruiz Blandón, B. A. ., Martínez Guardia, M. ., & Rengifo Murillo, L. (2020). Germination and growth of the tree Handroanthus chrysanthus (Bignoniaceae) under nursery conditions . UNED Research Journal, 12(2), e3175.


