Diversity of trees, mollusks and birds associated to agricultural land uses in Nicaragua

Diversity of trees, mollusks and birds associated to agricultural land uses in Nicaragua


  • Antonio Mijail Perez Gaia Association, Colonia 10 de Junio, B-501, Managua, Nicaragua
  • Marlon Sotelo Gaia Association, Colonia 10 de Junio, B-501, Managua, Nicaragua
  • Isabel Siria Gaia Association, Colonia 10 de Junio, B-501, Managua, Nicaragua




ABSTRACT: An important effect of cattle raising in Nicaragua has been the fragmentation of natural landscapes, mainly forests. In the present paper we analyze species composition and community structure for birds, mollusks and trees in several silvopastoral systems and land uses in Matiguás and Paiwas, Matagalpa, Nicaragua. We also studied the relationship between vegetation structure and mollusks and birds as biological indicators. Within the study landscapes 45 out of 212 observed bird species and 16 out of 56 observed mollusk species were uniquely associated to a single land use. Beta diversity could be considered mediumis intermediate for both taxa (ca. 0,5), in a scale ranging from 0 to 1. The observed avifauna across all land uses included 119 generalists (56,1%), 26 forest-dependent species (12,26%) and 67 open-area species (31,6%), based on the forest dependence categories of Stiles and Skutch. Mollusk species composition included: 33 forest-dependent species (59%), 20 generalists species (35,7%), and 3 open-area species (5,36%). We observed significant correlations between species diversity of trees and structural diversity of trees (r = 0,88, p < 0,01) and between structural diversity of trees and species diversity of mollusks as well as species richness of mollusks (r= 0,655, p< 0,05, and r= 0,7, p< 0,01, respectively). Results also indicate the existence of a significant correlation between Vegetation Species Richness and Bird Diversity (r=0,7, p<0,05). There were no correlations between Bird Diversity and Vegetation Diversity, or between Bird Diversity and Structural Diversity. Silvopastoral systems contain highly diverse communities of animals and plants that should be managed properly on the landscape context in order to create a matrix where conservation and rural livelihoods can coexist.

KEYWORDS: Diversity, Trees, Mollusks, Birds, Agricultural Land Uses, Nicaragua


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How to Cite

Perez, A. M., Sotelo, M., & Siria, I. (2014). Diversity of trees, mollusks and birds associated to agricultural land uses in Nicaragua. UNED Research Journal, 6(1), 57–73. https://doi.org/10.22458/urj.v6i1.315


