Effect of age, sex and academic level in the practice of physical exercise
physical activity, healthy lifestyle, sedentary lifestyle, habits, discipline, physical conditionAbstract
ABSTRACT. “Effect of age, sex and academic level in the practice of physical exercise”. Introduction: Physical exercise is related to various motivational factors, including: health, physical appearance, enjoyment and socialization. These motivational factors are different between men and women. Costa Rica ranks second in Central America for overweight and obesity, and has higher than average values for sedentary lifestyle. Objective: To identify the variables associated with the motivation to do physical exercise in the staff of a state university in Costa Rica. Methods: We applied an online survey to all university staff (N=3,998); it was online from October 1, 2021 to March 1, 2022. Of the 1779 answered, 71% reported some form of exercise. Results: The motivations for exercising were reported as health, physical appearance and enjoyment (stronger in younger people). Men more often reported health, while women cited enjoyment. Overall, health was the most relevant in all age groups, with values increasing over the years. Conclusion: Health and enjoyment were reported as key motivators for exercise, with health increasing in importance as people age.
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