Optimization of the production process of artisan ice cream

Optimization of the production process of artisan ice cream





quality specifications, relevant variables, weight, percentage of fat, nutritional requirement


Introduction: The growing demand in the food market creates the need to produce foods of world preferences. Artisanal ice cream, today, is a product of great acceptance and mass consumption. Objective: Analyze the different factors that influence the optimization of the production process of artisan ice cream. Methods: We manufactured 30L of ice cream to know the relevance and influence of the operation and quality standards, in addition to the variables of quality involved in the production process. Results: The component with the greatest influence on the cost structure is the raw material (47,87%), so it is necessary to consider the area and the equipment where it is transformed, the order of addition and compliance with the essential regulations that govern the process. process to achieve a final product with the required quality and at the lowest possible cost by making maximum use of the raw material. Conclusion: Compliance with the operating standards of the equipment and correct weighing of the raw material are two factors that ensure the quality of artisanal ice cream.


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How to Cite

Zaldivar Montes de Oca, Y., & Montero Bizet, J. L. (2023). Optimization of the production process of artisan ice cream. UNED Research Journal, 15(1), e4603. https://doi.org/10.22458/urj.v15i1.4603



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