Ichthyofauna diversity and water quality in rivers in the southern zone of Costa Rica where dikes and channels were built to contain floods

Ichthyofauna diversity and water quality in rivers in the southern zone of Costa Rica where dikes and channels were built to contain floods





fish, infrastructure, biodiversity, abundance, richness, Osa


Introduction: Freshwater fish can be negatively affected by human disturbances like infrastructure, dikes or canals, and extensive agriculture, which affect forest cover and promote sedimentation. Objetive: To evaluate the spatio-temporal composition of freshwater fish and its relationship with some physical-chemical water variables in three tropical rivers. Methods: I worked in the Grande de Térraba y Esquinas basins, Costa Rica, in three control sites and three sites with dike and channel influence. I sampled twice a month at the end of the rainy season (October-December, 2010) and the beginning of the dry season (January-March, 2011). I measured water quality variables and determined the type of environment or substrate, speed and altitude. Results: I captured 742 fish (24 species, 12 families). The most representative were Astyanax aeneus (44%), Poeciliopsis retropinna (14%), Dormitator latifrons (8%), Priapichthys panamensis (7%), Cryptotheros sajica (6%) and Brachyrhaphis roseni (4%). There were no statistically significant differences among sites. Conclusion: The fluctuations of environmental variables, and the trends in fish abundance, richness, and distribution, did not differ among control sites and anthropologically affected sites.


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How to Cite

Villegas-Arguedas, J. C. (2023). Ichthyofauna diversity and water quality in rivers in the southern zone of Costa Rica where dikes and channels were built to contain floods. UNED Research Journal, 15(1), e4584. https://doi.org/10.22458/urj.v15i1.4584


