Editorial policies

Editorial policy

Those interested in submitting their manuscripts to evaluation for publication must present original articles, not previously published and not being evaluated upon being handed in to the NAR.

The author is responsible for the data content reported in the manuscript. Therefore, the author must complete a sworn statement regarding the authenticity of authorship and originality of his or her manuscript. He or she must also declare the application of copyrights for the article to the National Administration Review, and in such case, the auspices under which he or she carried out his or her research.

Unpublished works will be published preferably. Nevertheless, some documents, which due to the quality of their content may be acceptable by the Editorial Board, could be reproduced. In such exceptional cases the author must request and present the authorization of the review in which it was published to reproduce it in the NAR. The author will have to hand in a CV of 10 lines maximum in which he or she indicates his or her highest academic degree, where he or she obtained it, his or her current institutional affiliation, research interests, a report of his or her publications and his or her postal and electronic addresses. The articles must be written according to the international specifications of the Chicago Deusto. Furthermore, it must comply with the norms of Spanish style, grammar and spelling required by the Royal Spanish Academy.

Adoption of ethics codes

The National Administration Review has its own ethics code. To download the document click on the following link: Ethics protocol of the National Administration Review.

Open access policy

From its birth our review has joined the Open Access movement, which means that it provides free access to its content instantly according to the principle of making research available for free to the public as a way to foment greater interchange of global knowledge.

The NAR does not charge anything for receiving, evaluating or publishing its authors’ articles. Likewise, the arbitration process by peers (assessors) does not entail any kind of economic retribution or any sort of compensation.

The NAR applies open access policies, which means free public internet availability, so that users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or use the NAR content for any legal purpose, without any financial or technical limitation, outside those linked to normal Internet access. The only caveat in relation to the reproduction and distribution and the only copyright role in this field will be that the authors must be given control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and quoted.

Interoperability protocol

To refer to the interoperability protocols please go to the following URL: https://revistas.uned.ac.cr/index.php/rna/oai

Creative Commons License

Acknowledgement (by): Any exploitation of the work is allowed, even for commercial purposes, as well as the creation of derived works, the distribution of which is also permitted without any restriction.

Digital preservation policies

All the content available on the webpage of the National Administration Review is backed up daily in the proper servers of the State Distance University (UNED) by the publishing entity thereof. The unit responsible for carrying out this cycle of backups is the Direction of Information Technology and Communications (DITC), by means of two types of storage: one in the hard disk of a system called SAN, and the other lodged in a magnetic tape in a backup robot.

This review uses the LOCKSS system to create a file distributed among the participating libraries, which enables these libraries to create permanent files of the review for preservation and restoration purposes. (www.lockss.org)

Publishing Entity

Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), Costa Rica

(address:) Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), Costa Rica , Escuela de Ciencias de la Administración (ECA), Cuarto Nivel del Edificio “C” Apartado 474-2050 San Pedro de Montes de Oca. San José, Costa Rica.
