Small Franchising and the new business models associated with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR): (2020-2023)

Small Franchising and the new business models associated with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR): (2020-2023)




Franchise, Fourth Industrial Revolution, key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Business Agility


This project aimed to identify the impacts of current business models (business agility) and key productivity controls (KPIs), most relevant in a subsector of small franchised restaurants in Costa Rica (2020-2023). For which a qualitative investigation is developed, with interviews with 31 small restaurant managers who use national and foreign franchises, to determine various subcategories of analysis and establish common denominators that allowed us to overcome the pandemic and the structuring of an analysis of inclusion and exclusion, to prioritize the critical aspects of success, the analysis of the causes, consequences and effects using the Root Cause method to propose long-lasting improvements, the main finding being: the rigidity of the franchise model, the limited business agility, and the use Limited access to greater technology, mainly due to cost and knowledge, made it more difficult to face the Black Swan of the Pandemic por COVID-19).


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How to Cite

Coronado-Coronado, H., & Mora-Miranda, G. (2024). Small Franchising and the new business models associated with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR): (2020-2023). The National Administration Review, 15(1), e5247.