The role of marketing and innovations in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The case of two companies in the coffee sector

The role of marketing and innovations in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The case of two companies in the coffee sector


  • Violena Hubenova-Nenchev Universidad de Economía nacional y mundial, Bulgaria
  • Ricardo Ortiz-Ayala Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México



Marketing, innovations, companies, coffee sector, Covid-19


Marketing has played an important role in the development of companies for several decades. However, what makes successful companies stand out are the innovation practices that have increasing importance for the economy and business development and especially after the start of the covid-19 pandemic that has changed the political, economic and social functioning of the world. In a changing and insecure environment, companies seek to survive and it is thanks to different innovative practices that they can achieve this. This article shows examples of different companies in the coffee sector that, thanks to their activities, have managed to help the economies of their countries and be an example in times of crisis.


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How to Cite

Hubenova-Nenchev, V., & Ortiz-Ayala, R. (2022). The role of marketing and innovations in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The case of two companies in the coffee sector. The National Administration Review, 13(2), e4481.