Market equation and segmentation by mathematical derivation; A management model for business decision making

Market equation and segmentation by mathematical derivation; A management model for business decision making




Segmentation, mathematical model, derivative, profit, economics, marketing, decision making, management


The paper presents a proposal for a mathematical and management model for a business decision-making approach, which is based on the analysis of the market segmentation theory, but linked to the specific calculation of the different existing market levels values, this through the use of a market equation based on cost, return or market coefficient, and its corresponding segmentation level, data that is managed in a single equation, which when used with the mathematical derivative, allows to establish the economic value of a product or service in a certain market condition, model that allows the correct decision-making regarding a particular segmentation strategy choice.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Sánchez, J. D. (2022). Market equation and segmentation by mathematical derivation; A management model for business decision making. The National Administration Review, 13(2), e4478.