Considerations related to innovation drivers: Theoretical and empirical observations

Considerations related to innovation drivers: Theoretical and empirical observations




Knowledge management, intellectual capital, business model innovation


The objective is to systematically review the empirical literature on knowledge management, intellectual capital and innovation in search of gaps that establish make future lines of research. The methodological research was oriented to documentary review, under a qualitative approach. There are studies on the impact of knowledge management and intellectual capital separately and together on various types of innovation and in both cases the impact is positive, but the impact on business model innovation has not been found; therefore, a gap in the literature is identified that should be investigated empirically.

Classification JEL: O31, D83, M10.


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How to Cite

Alfaro-Ramos, A. E., & Silva-Atencio, G. (2022). Considerations related to innovation drivers: Theoretical and empirical observations. The National Administration Review, 13(1), e4233.