Method for managing a project through digital media in the testing stage: PROMADE case

Method for managing a project through digital media in the testing stage: PROMADE case




Public administration, internal control, risk management, project management, textbook production


The purpose of this work is to present, as a result of a qualitative study with an action-research design, a method for the management of a software development project in the testing stage, on a large scale, that involves the participation of different entities, through digital means, in order to manage risk in an agile way, as part of the internal control dictated by the public administration. The case of the testing stage of the SITRA-PROMADE system is presented, commissioned by the UNED to an external company to monitor the production process of written teaching materials. The application of the method contributed to the increase in the number of observations accepted by the company for the improvement of the system: it went from 44.75% of accepted observations to 78.68% of a total of 570.


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How to Cite

Peraza-Delgado, M. (2022). Method for managing a project through digital media in the testing stage: PROMADE case. The National Administration Review, 13(2), e3947.