Currency rate its evolution from 1960 to 2020 and the exchange policies applied in Costa Rica

Currency rate its evolution from 1960 to 2020 and the exchange policies applied in Costa Rica




Currency liberalization, currency bands, minidevaluations, revaluation


The variations in the currency rate tend to modify the purchasing power of the citizens of a country, so that when the foreign currency revalues, people with the same gross income in national currency are less likely to acquire goods and services. This article shows the result of a descriptive and bibliographic research, it is a study of an approximate period of 60 years of the exchange rate, purchase, sale or average data, which provide the required inputs in relation to the implications of the historical changes in Costa Rica and the corresponding currency policy.


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How to Cite

Víndas-Chaves, R. M. (2021). Currency rate its evolution from 1960 to 2020 and the exchange policies applied in Costa Rica. The National Administration Review, 12(2), e3916.