Social and solidarity economy and access to food: Insights from Cameroon

Social and solidarity economy and access to food: Insights from Cameroon




Food solidarity, food distribution, ; social relationships, self-managed development


The social and solidarity economy has an increasingly important role in the issue of access to food. This article examines food solidarity in various low-income communities in Cameroon. In the foreground is a nuanced perspective on food distribution practices in the country; such practices allow the low-income population to have access to food. The methodology is qualitative; Interviews were conducted with the participants in English, French, and Pidgin. To facilitate the disclosure of information, it was clarified that the data provided will be anonymous (pseudonyms are used). In addition, for confidentiality reasons, no information that could reveal the identity of the participants is disclosed.


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How to Cite

Ojong, N. (2021). Social and solidarity economy and access to food: Insights from Cameroon. The National Administration Review, 12(2), e3768.