Development of a Short Scale to Measure Sustainable Product Involvement

Development of a Short Scale to Measure Sustainable Product Involvement




Scale, consumer, involvement, sustainable, products, Costa Rica


This study develops a short, general scale to measure sustainable product involvement. This is done in a Costa Rican context, via a relatively large sample, demographically similar to the national population. The study also evaluates the viability of the C-OAR-SE scaling technique for this purpose. A five-item instrument is developed, its reliability and validity psychometrically confirmed. The scale addresses the levels and types of involvement that consumers might have. It suits not only academic researchers, but also practitioners in different areas. We conclude that C-OAR-SE is a viable technique. It complements traditional psychometric methods well so as to be considered by researchers in the different fields of business.


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How to Cite

Conejo , F. J., Rojas , W., Zamora , A. L., & Young, C. E. (2021). Development of a Short Scale to Measure Sustainable Product Involvement. The National Administration Review, 12(1), e3503.