Importance of an integrated management system: review of the current context applied to telecommunications companies in the case of Bolivia

Importance of an integrated management system: review of the current context applied to telecommunications companies in the case of Bolivia


  • María Lourdes Espinoza Universidad del Valle, Cochabamba, Bolivia
  • Joel Kadir Lanza Rocha Universidad Autónoma del Beni José Ballivián, Bolivia
  • Alejandra Rocío Torrez Tarqui Universidad del Valle, Cochabamba, Bolivia



Design, integrated management system, quality system, environment and occupational health and safety system


The Internet service is essential for any company. Without telecommunication service providers it would be very complex to manage and operationalize internal and external processes in a company since a great deal of information is handled daily to obtain products and services. That is why there is a need for telecommunications companies to rely on an integrated management system and process manuals to enable continuous improvement. Therefore, the present work proposes the design of an integrated management system regarding the quality, environment, occupational health and safety for telecommunications companies.


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How to Cite

Lourdes Espinoza, M. ., Lanza Rocha, J. K. ., & Torrez Tarqui, A. R. . (2020). Importance of an integrated management system: review of the current context applied to telecommunications companies in the case of Bolivia. The National Administration Review, 11(1).