Effect of variation of financing interest rates on the results of Costa Rica’s SMEs

Effect of variation of financing interest rates on the results of Costa Rica’s SMEs





SME, basic passive rate, interest rate, financial intermediaries, ability to pay


The objective is to analyze the interest rate offered by financial intermediaries to finance the economic activities of Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Costa Rica, through scenarios where the effects of their variations, prompted by a floating Passive Base Rate, reference rate, are evidenced and how these fluctuations affect the economic and financial results of these businesses. The design of this research is essentially descriptive and comparative in nature. It aims to contribute to broadening the knowledge of the negative effect of interest rates on the financial and economic results of SMEs in Costa Rica, specifically those that have requested financing from the Financial System. Therefore, an analysis of the effects of interest rates on the operational results of SMEs is carried out based on the calculation of interests, variation in installments, free cash flow, payment capacity and financial conclusions. This analysis is placed within the framework of the financial and economic administration of SMEs and its effect on the productive economy of the country.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Alcocer, R. . (2020). Effect of variation of financing interest rates on the results of Costa Rica’s SMEs . The National Administration Review, 11(2), e2765. https://doi.org/10.22458/rna.v11i2.2765