Commitment management, labor practices strengthening it. Study case

Commitment management, labor practices strengthening it. Study case




Organizational Commitment, human talent management, good practices of human talent, commitment management.


The purpose of this work is to analyze the kinds of human talent practices that have a positive relation on commitment management based on the study case of a technological company in Quito, Ecuador. A questionnaire was used as an instrument to gather information and make a correlational analysis to answer the research question.  The results enable to identify the factors that have a direct and positive influence on the collaborators’ commitment to the organization and its objectives while evidencing the influence of human talent management as a strategic component.



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How to Cite

Arias Pérez, S. L. ., & López Paredes, H. . (2020). Commitment management, labor practices strengthening it. Study case. The National Administration Review, 11(2), e2646.