Bank evolution in Costa Rica: A brief description of its origins to the present

Bank evolution in Costa Rica: A brief description of its origins to the present


  • Arturo Azofeifa Céspedes Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica



Central Bank, Monetary Policy, Money, Governmet


Banking, in general terms, is one of the most important sectors in a country's economy, both in the private sector and in the state sector. This is due to the fact that it exerts macro-level control over finances through the promulgation of the economic policies of a country, and at a micro-level, helping to boost the economy from several fronts, among them the employment generation  with a good salary level and with its natural operative to generate returns to the money of the savers and lend that money to the applicants.

Banking can be divided into two main parts: the state bank, which in turn is sub-divided into Central Banking (government) and commercial state banking, and on the other hand private banking, which comes to compete with the state bank generating a benefit for the population of a country.



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How to Cite

Azofeifa Céspedes, A. . (2019). Bank evolution in Costa Rica: A brief description of its origins to the present. The National Administration Review, 10(1), 7–28.