How Far Can You Go with Your Studies at UNED?
DOI: clave:
Tourism, Design thinking, Finland, Internship, TechnologyResumen
The State University of Distance Education (UNED, Universidad Estatal a Distancia) has always made efforts to be at the forefront of advancement and opportunities for its students. These efforts have taken this home of learning to international levels and guided this institution to increase its standards of quality formation for its students.
This article demonstrates how the chance to develop a technology-related idea resulted in the participation in an internship at Savonia University of Applied Science (UAS) in Kuopio, Finland. Additionally, this internship aided in the immersion in follow up events that contributed to the professional growth of a student from the major of Sustainable Tourism Management. This article briefly explains the tasks assigned in two courses taken at Savonia University of Applied Science (UAS). It also narrates student life at this university. Finally, it explains how far nationally and internationally students at UNED can go if they pursuit educational goals, take advantage of UNED´s partnerships, and exert all efforts.
Gutiérrez, Cristina. «Finlandia. Los sueños sí se pueden hacer realidad, trabaja duro, sueña en grande». Vive turismo (Carrera Gestión Turística Sostenible de la UNED, 2018), 7, 8, 9, 10.
Movilidad Estudiantil, UNED. Accessed on April 09, 2019.
Sandoval, Ana-María. Observatorio de tecnología en educación a distancia (2018). Accessed on March 02, 2019.
Savonia University of Applied Sciences. Savonia UAS (2019). Accessed on January 10, 2019.
Savonia. «Service Design Thinking Course Invitation for Students» (2018). Accessed on September 9, 2018.
Savonia University of Applied Sciences. «Wellness Business (2019)». Accessed on January 9, 2019.
Stevens, Emily. «Career foundry. What Is Design Thinking? A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide». Accessed on May 16, 2019.
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