A Strategic Plan for Academic Improvement (PEMA). Case Study to Determine the Improvement of Linguistic Competence of Students in the English Major

A Strategic Plan for Academic Improvement (PEMA). Case Study to Determine the Improvement of Linguistic Competence of Students in the English Major




Palabras clave:

Second Language acquisition, English as a Foreign Language, Distance education, Online tutoring, Linguistic competence, Academic improvement


A Strategic Plan for Academic Improvement (PEMA) was implemented for students to develop their linguistic and academic competence in the English Teaching Major for I and II Cycles at Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED). The 24-week personalized online course provided students with extra linguistic practice, focusing on their specific needs. Tutors designed lessons based on the students’ weaknesses, worked on their skills weekly, and gave them feedback after each session. Students created a portfolio with self-assigned exercises and also shared their challenges, feelings and expectations with their teachers. Even when the students’ language development in the 4 macro skills was not linear because of the complexity of language learning, both students and teachers reported that PEMA helped them perform better in different academic tasks.

Biografía del autor/a

Verónica Oguilve-Araya, Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED)

Profesora de Inglés como Segunda Lengua en la Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED) y la Universidad Técnica Nacional (UTN), Costa Rica. Tutora de la Cátedra de Enseñanza del Inglés para I y II ciclos, Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la UNED. Estudiante de doctorado en la Adquisición y Enseñanza de Segundas Lenguas, Universidad de Arizona, Estados Unidos. Licenciada en Lengua Inglesa y máster en Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera, y bachiller en Enseñanza del Inglés por la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), Costa Rica.


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GSE Learning Objectives. Pearson (n.d.). Access: april 23th, 2019. https://www.pearson.com/english/tools/digital/placement/scores/gse.html

Tobías Brizuela (coordinator of the English Teaching Department, UNED). Personal Communication. On October 12th, 2017.

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Unesco Regional Office for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean. The major project of education in Latin America and the Caribbean (Santiago, 1996). Access: april 23th, 2019. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0010/001047/104761e.pdf



Cómo citar

Oguilve-Araya, Verónica. 2019. «A Strategic Plan for Academic Improvement (PEMA). Case Study to Determine the Improvement of Linguistic Competence of Students in the English Major». Revista Espiga 18 (38):111-32. https://doi.org/10.22458/re.v18i38.2519.



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