Sludge biological index as operational bioindicator of two hospital wastewater treatments in Costa Rica
Protozoa, metazoa, bioindication, activated sludge, MBR, ciliates, flagellates, SBIAbstract
Introduction: Biological monitoring in activated sludge wastewater treatment systems provides comprehensive results and serves as a complementary tool in operational control decisions. One such tool is the Sludge Biological Index (SBI), which is based on protozoa. However, there is limited data on this topic in Costa Rica. Objective: To evaluate the SBI as a bioindication tool in hospital wastewater. Methods: From February to April 2022, we collected a total of 36 samples from a Conventional Activated Sludge Treatment system and a Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) at a Costa Rican hospital. Results: The removal efficiency of BOD and COD was higher in the MBR; however, in both cases, the efficiency was high (greater than 85%), and this is related to the high SBI values. Nitrogen removal efficiency did not exceed 50% (MBR). No environmental parameter correlated with SBI values, but sludge age affected the SBI value. Conclusion: In both the conventional treatment system and the MBR, the average SBI values indicate good performance and high-quality activated sludge
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