Physicochemical and microbiological quality of coastal water in Nicoya, Costa Rica: comparison of three beaches with different tourism impact and administration
Pollution, Integrated Coastal Management, Fecal indicator bacteria, indicatorsAbstract
Introduction: Socioeconomic growth has caused pressure on marine ecosystems, and there is little information that can be used for the management of beaches in Nicoya, Costa Rica. Objective: To determine the physicochemical and microbiological quality of marine-coastal water in Nicoya, Costa Rica. Methods: In October 2021, and May and June 2022, we used standard methods to assess physicochemical and microbiological water conditions, in three beaches with different administrations and number of tourists. Results: Water temperature ranged between 26,1°C to 31,2°C, salinity between 22 to 31ups, dissolved oxygen from 3,6 to 7,3mg/L, and total suspended hydrocarbon values were below the detection limit. Higher fecal contamination was found in the rainy season, with maximum values of 3,5x103 NMP/100mL fecal coliforms, 1,1x103 NMP/100mL Escherichia coli and 2,4x103 NMP/100mL Enteroccocus faecalis. Conclusion: While fecal contamination was high during the rainy season, physicochemical parameters were acceptable in the three beaches.
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