Camelobaetidius (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) as an indicator for management of lotic ecosystems in Costa Rica: ACLA-P
Central America, aquatic insects, bioindication, remnant biodiversityAbstract
Introduction: The study of aquatic insects in lotic ecosystems has been promoted in recent years for bioindication of changes associated with socioeconomic development. However, there are information gaps for orders sensitive to environmental deterioration such as Ephemeroptera, which limits their use as a bioindicators. Objective: To evaluate the bioindication potential of the ephemeropteran genus Camelobaetidius in Costa Rica. Methods: We analyzed taxonomically samples from 28 streams and rivers and used Influence Zones to assess vulnerability to contamination. Results: In Morphospecies distribution was associated with slope and altitude gradient. We identified Camelobaetidius guaycara and morphologically characterized 12 morphospecies of the genus, classifying them from "very tolerant" to "little tolerant" (influence zones: eight high vulnerability, 16 medium and four low vulnerability). In the La Amistad-Pacífico Conservation Area we found four morphospecies in two streams/rivers with different conservation status. Conclusion: In Costa Rica, slope and altitude affect the distribution of several mosphospecies of Camelobaetidius that can be used as bioindicators for water pollution.
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