Validation of an analytical method with modified acid purity and iron matrices to measure heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cr and As) in fertilizers

Validation of an analytical method with modified acid purity and iron matrices to measure heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cr and As) in fertilizers




heavy metals, fertilizer, agrochemicals, validation, ICP


Introduction: The frequent use of fertilizers in the Costa Rican agricultural sector causes environmental pollution; and heavy metals are among the main pollutants because of their high toxicity, strengthening the need for affordable and reliable local methods to assess pollution levels. Objective: To validate an adaptation of a method that uses modified acid purity and iron matrices to measure heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cr and As) in fertilizers. Method: We tested four duplicate analyzes of a sample of known concentration with reactive grade acids and ultra-pure acids. For the iron interference test, we used eight replicates. We also did tests for bias, precision, detection limits, quantification limit, specificity, recovery, false positives and false negatives. Results: The new method proved satisfactory and its efficiency held by analytical performance parameters. Conclusions: The method is resistant to changes in acid purity, and tolerates matrices with iron concentrations under 5% m/m.



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How to Cite

Elizondo Hidalgo, F. ., & Pérez López, E. (2022). Validation of an analytical method with modified acid purity and iron matrices to measure heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cr and As) in fertilizers. UNED Research Journal, 14(1), e3485.



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