Effect of hen housing (free-range, free cage, and cage) on fatty acids, consumption, and consumer perception of the eggs

Effect of hen housing (free-range, free cage, and cage) on fatty acids, consumption, and consumer perception of the eggs





Eggs, Housing systems, Purchase, Consumption, Trends


Introduction: At a global level, consumer concern is growing for animal welfare, including hen housing in the production of eggs. Objectives: To assess the effect of hen housing conditions on some egg characteristics.  Methods: The study was done in Costa Rica. We made a standard fatty acid profile analysis of 30 eggs, randomly selected from each housing system. We also surveyed 777 habitual egg consumers about their purchase and consumption habits, and applied a sensory test to 108 panelists.  Results: The polyunsaturated fatty acids / saturated fatty acids ratios were 0.58, 0.55 and 0.51 for the free-range, free cage and cage system, respectively. In the sensory panel, 40 % of the panelists were grouped for their greater general liking towards the sample, with preference for the free-range eggs. Slightly over half (55 %) of the sampled population was unaware of the egg production systems. Conclusion: The acid ratio of these Costa Rican eggs is labeled as “healthy food” and nearly half of the surveyed population is unaware of the egg production systems.


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How to Cite

Chavarría Zamora, S., Chacón Villalobos, A., & WingChing Jones, R. (2021). Effect of hen housing (free-range, free cage, and cage) on fatty acids, consumption, and consumer perception of the eggs. UNED Research Journal, 13(1), e3317. https://doi.org/10.22458/urj.v13i1.3317


