Manejo exitoso de una inundación en el Herbario USJ de Costa Rica

Manejo exitoso de una inundación en el Herbario USJ de Costa Rica


  • Carlos O. Morales Herbario Luis A. Fournier (USJ), Universidad de Costa Rica



In November 2007 the break of a drink-water pipeline at the Biology Department, University of Costa Rica caused a flood in the USJ Herbarium and severely damaged many specimens that stayed wet for more than one week. Here I report on the actions that were taken to rescue and restore all the mounted and catalogued specimens that were damaged, and discuss several lessons that were learned from this incident.


Protection of scientific collections, Herbarium security, flooding, USJ-Herbarium, specimen restoration, Costa Rica


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How to Cite

Morales, C. O. (2013). Manejo exitoso de una inundación en el Herbario USJ de Costa Rica. UNED Research Journal, 5(2), 181–184.


