Effect of the typography and paragraph presentation of printed textbooks, on distance learning in adults

Effect of the typography and paragraph presentation of printed textbooks, on distance learning in adults


  • Julián Mónge-Nájera
  • Victor Hugo Méndez-Estrada
  • Alfonso Villalobos Rodríguez




Distance learning, printed texts, graphic design purposes.


Effect of the typography and paragraph presentation of printed textbooks, on distance learning in adults. The effect of graphic pre- sentation of texts on legibility has been studied, but its effect on learning is virtually unknown. We applied a control text and two treat- ments (variations in paragraphs and typography) to 169 students (67% women) selected through a random process from a population of 2692 students from a freshmen’s course at the State Distance University in San José, Costa Rica, in 2008. The information in the texts was new to the students. After 15 days allowed to study the texts, the students presented a written exam and completed an illustrated survey about paragraph and font characteristics that they preferred when studying. Neither the font nor the presentation of the paragraphs, or the sex of the students, had an effect on exam grade. The survey indicated that there is a subjective preference for 12-point Arial font, normal spacing between letters, single spacing between lines, page numbers located on page side, white background for text, titles in bold, and inclusion of subtitles, summary, highlighted key ideas, important words highlighted in bold, space to hand-write notes, and images printed in color. The font and paragraph presentation had no effect on learning, but affecte comfort when studying. We recommend that the study be repeated with students from other ages, courses, universities and backgrounds to see if our results can be generalized.


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How to Cite

Mónge-Nájera, J., Méndez-Estrada, V. H., & Villalobos Rodríguez, A. (2009). Effect of the typography and paragraph presentation of printed textbooks, on distance learning in adults. UNED Research Journal, 1(1), 43–68. https://doi.org/10.22458/urj.v1i1.234


