Production and reproduction of cows; Holstein, Jersey and their crossbreed, in five locations of Costa Rica

Production and reproduction of cows; Holstein, Jersey and their crossbreed, in five locations of Costa Rica


  • Jose Pablo Gonzáles Blanco Universidad de Costa Rica
  • Rodolgo WingChing-Jones Universidad de Costa Rica



daily milk production, animal reproduction, open days, calving interval, Bos taurus


In Costa Rica 26% of the cattle is intented to the production of specialized milk, predominating the Jersey race, followed by Holstein, Guersey and Brown Swiss. We evaluated 1 586 animal records in Heredia, Cartago, Coronado, San Carlos and Zarcero. The systems are characterized by the use of rotational grazing in African star (Cynodon nlemfuensis) or Kikuyo (Kikuyuocloa clandestina), complementing with agroindustrial byproducts, silages; and balanced feed with a minimum of 16% crude protein and 3 000kcal ED / kg. We use the updated records to make a database including open days (DA), interval between births (IEP), days in lactation and daily milk production of Holstein, Jersey, and their crosses in different proportions. Reproductive parameters, IEP and open days were higher in Holstein than in Jersey and F1 HxJ in 30,44 and 35,80; 20,29 and 25,86 days respectively. Daily, Jersey produces 1,77 and 1,3kg less milk than Holstein and F1 HxJ. There was no difference in Holstein and F1 HxJ. The crossing of Holstein and Jersey is promising.


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How to Cite

Gonzáles Blanco, J. P., & WingChing-Jones, R. (2018). Production and reproduction of cows; Holstein, Jersey and their crossbreed, in five locations of Costa Rica. UNED Research Journal, 10(2), 422–427.


