Population structure of eight threatened timber species in the Department of Chocó-Colombia

Population structure of eight threatened timber species in the Department of Chocó-Colombia


  • Luz Yorleida Palacios Tello Grupo de investigación de Flora Chocoana, Programa de Biología, Chocó, Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó
  • Keiler Perea Pandales Grupo de investigación en recursos vegetales, Programa de Biología, Chocó, Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó
  • Danilza Marcela Bellido Grupo de investigación de Flora Chocoana, Programa de Biología, Chocó, Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó
  • Haylin Yineth Caicedo Grupo de investigación de Ecología y Conservación de Ecosistemas Tropicales, Programa de Biología, Chocó, Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó
  • Deivis Abadia Bonilla Grupo de investigación de Flora Chocoana, Programa de Biología, Chocó, Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó




community, Population density, distribution, successional stage, ecology, uniformity.


This study was conducted in order to evaluate the population structure and the current status of seven timber species for Chocó, where a plot of 50x50, which were recorded in a zig zag all individuals with DBH≥10cm was established (adults). From the mother tree they were measured 15m radius (707m2 ) where a circular plot in which all individuals over 1.3m high and lower were recorded at 10 cm of DAP ( juveniles) was installed ; following the diagonals of the first plot 12 plots of 2m (4m2 ) where all individuals were recorded height between 0.3 and 1.30m were drawn . At the species level were recorded at Hymenaea oblogifolia and Dipterix oleifera with the highest density values , a total density of 19.8 ind/ha was found. Most individuals were located in the diametric class 30.1 to 40; height class for a form of inverted J secured the sustainability of the species was found.



How to Cite

Palacios Tello, L. Y., Perea Pandales, K., Bellido, D. M., Caicedo, H. Y., & Abadia Bonilla, D. (2017). Population structure of eight threatened timber species in the Department of Chocó-Colombia. UNED Research Journal, 9(1), 107–114. https://doi.org/10.22458/urj.v9i1.1685


