Abundance of jaguars (Panthera onca), other felids and their potential prey in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica.
Abundance, index, jaguar, ocelot, Panthera onca, Santa Rosa National Park, track, survey, puma.Abstract
Santa Rosa National Park, Guanacaste Province, protects one of the largest remnants of dry forest in Mesoamerica. It is considered an example of how to regenerate forest in an area that for many years was used for cattle. A proper management requires knowledge of trends in mammal populations. We chose species that demand high ecologic integrity. the jaguar (Panthera onca ) and other felines, and their potential prey. Using trace count we assessed abundance on seven trails systematically sampled in 2001 and later in 2011. In 2011 we found more traces of jaguars, less of cougars and the same number for ocelots. In the second sampling we found less herbivores and frugivores, and more omnivores. We believe that the trace method is reliable, rapid and cheap.References
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