Boosting welfare sustainability by solidarity: Opportunities resulting from circular social economy in Portugal
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Aims: To analyze welfare and sustainability concepts framed by United Nations 2030 Agenda highlighting its commitment towards poverty and hunger; to discuss the concept of circular economy exploring the dimensions of sustainability to which it is associated; to analyze the relationship between the circular economy and the social economy, and to distinguish practices based on the assumptions of the circular economy with an inclusive impact at the level of confronting situations of vulnerability/poverty in Portugal.
Method: This is a theoretical reflection based on a review of current literature, documentary analysis and searching on websites, on the opportunities of the social economy embedded in solidarity sector to foster welfare (social) sustainability by pursuing circular economy principles.
Findings: The issues of poverty and hunger are central to understand the welfare concept and occupy a pole position in the agenda of human sustainability. The circular economy approach has been distinguished mainly as an alternative philosophy of growth (focusing on business) and (environmental) sustainability. Social economy anchored in solidarity organizations reveals the (neglected) social dimension of circular economy due to circular economy principles that they adopt connected to their mission.
Conclusions: The opportunities of circular economy to address welfare sustainability, especially for responding to multiple social needs (e.g., basic needs) coming from the circular social economy stakeholders must be reinforced in discourses and political agendas. Also, that opens space to reconfigure the concept of circular economy widening its scope and focus on a complete approach committed to sustainability, being this a direction, that research can deepen.
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