Educativas: Announcements2025-02-21T09:22:41-06:00Open Journal Systems<p><strong>Innovaciones Educativas</strong> is an academic journal founded in 1993 in the School of Educational Sciences of Universidad Estatal a Distancia (State Distance Learning University). This journal is a semi-annual publication issued in June and December each year in its digital version <strong>(ISSN 2215-4132)</strong> and in its printed version <strong>(ISSN 1022-9825)</strong>. Our target readers are teachers, research personnel, students and professionals in the education domain at a national and international level. Innovaciones Educativas is an open access journal and it is free of charge for those submitting their manuscripts for publishing, as well as the reading and downloading of files is free. Our purpose is to foster a space for analysis, discussion, and reflection in the educational field in the light of the contributions of specialists in this area.</p> Educativas<p><strong>Comunicado importante para personas lectoras y autores de la revista Innovaciones Educativas</strong></p> <p>Informamos que hemos recibido reportes de invitaciones a congresos internacionales, específicamente el "1st International Conference on Educational Research, Humanities and Social Sciences (ICERHS 2025)" Barcelona, España. Estas invitaciones prometen cubrir gastos de viaje y alojamiento para que presenten el manuscrito que fue publicado en nuestra revista.</p> <p>Se aclara enfáticamente que la revista Innovaciones Educativas no está asociada con ninguna participación en congresos que impliquen el traslado de personas autoras a ningún país, por lo que solicitamos cautela ante cualquier invitación que reciban en nombre de nuestra revista o que mencione artículos publicados en ella. Si reciben alguna comunicación sospechosa, les recomendamos no proporcionar información personal ni financiera.</p> <p>Informamos que cualquier colaboración que tenga la revista con eventos académicos se anuncia por este medio.</p> <p>Agradecemos su atención y colaboración para mantener la integridad y seguridad de nuestra comunidad académica.</p>2025-02-21T09:22:41-06:00 Release: Launch of the Special Issue of the journal Innovaciones Educativas2024-11-01T10:44:59-06:00Innovaciones Educativas<p>This special issue is dedicated to exploring the most relevant and current topics in the field of media and digital literacy. The publication includes articles from prominent academics and professionals that address, from various perspectives and approaches, the role of influencer teachers in education, as well as the ethical and practical challenges that arise in this work.</p> <p>The selected contributions for this issue explore the study of the profile of university faculty in new contexts from the perspective of students. The <em>influencer </em>phenomenon and its effects on educational processes are also discussed, along with the educational opportunities that arise from interaction with followers, especially in recognizing the educational responsibility that comes with the content shared on social media. Additionally, the production of audiovisual content is analyzed from an ethnographic method, and the relationship between media literacy and content in the creation of educational materials is examined. The issue also offers some educational experiences based on the use of social media, such as the use of TikTok as a tool to encourage reading.</p> <p>We invite all those interested in these topics to follow our networks and learn firsthand about the content and enriching dialogue fostered by our journal.</p> <p>For more information, contact: <a href=""></a> / <a href=""></a></p>2024-11-01T10:44:59-06:00ón digital2024-07-18T14:10:03-06:00Innovaciones Educativas<p><strong><img src="" alt="" width="827" height="465" /></strong></p>2024-07-18T14:10:03-06:00úmero 41, Volumen 26.2024-07-12T13:41:55-06:00Innovaciones Educativas<p><strong>The Journal "Innovaciones Educativas" presents its 41st issue: Research, Education and Adaptation in Times of Change.</strong></p> <p> </p> <p>The academic journal "Innovaciones Educativas" announces the publication of its latest issue, corresponding to the second semester of the year 2024, entitled "Aportes y reflexiones para la calidad educativa desde la investigación (Contributions and Reflections on Educational Quality from Research)", which presents a careful selection of manuscripts by researchers from different countries. On this occasion, the journal offers a variety of studies and experiences in the field of education, ranging from the use of TikTok® and its ability to improve language accuracy in English language learners, to innovation in companies and the impact of explicit and tacit knowledge. It also covers the application of physics concepts in workshops exploring advanced mathematical topics, as well as some insights into artificial intelligence and the ethical use of artificial intelligence in education.</p> <p> </p> <p>Each paper published in this issue of the journal offers valuable insights and findings to enrich educational practice and management in education with an innovative perspective.</p> <p> </p> <p>The journal "Innovaciones Educativas" reaffirms its commitment to the advancement and excellence in the field of education through the dissemination of rigorous research that provides knowledge generated by experts in the field.</p> <p> </p> <p>Those interested in reading the articles offered by the journal can access the current issue and previous issues through its digital platform with ISSN 2215-4132.</p> <p>From the next issue 42, the magazine will be published only in digital format.</p> <p> </p> <p>For more information, visit the Innovaciones Educativas website at <a href=""></a> or contact the team through the magazine's social networks.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Press contact:</strong></p> <p>Jensy Campos Céspedes</p> <p>Director-Editor.</p> <p>Universidad Estatal a Distancia</p> <p>San José, Costa Rica</p>2024-07-12T13:41:55-06:00 edición especial 20242024-03-19T13:04:40-06:00Innovaciones Educativas<p>El Centro de Investigaciones en Educación, la Red AlfaMed y la Revista Innovaciones Educativas le invitan a presentar manuscritos para la edición especial 2024.</p> <p><strong>Docentes Influencers: Nuevas perspectivas y desafíos</strong></p> <p>Convocatoria: <a href="" data-auth="NotApplicable" data-loopstyle="linkonly"></a></p> <p>Guía de autores: <a href="" data-auth="NotApplicable" data-loopstyle="linkonly"></a></p> <p>VII Congreso AlfaMed: <a href="" data-auth="NotApplicable" data-loopstyle="linkonly"></a></p> <p>Consultas: <a href="" data-loopstyle="linkonly"></a></p> <h4><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><img src="" alt="" width="956" height="718" /></span></h4>2024-03-19T13:04:40-06:00 Número 40, Volumen 26.2024-03-05T11:37:26-06:00Innovaciones Educativas<p><strong>Innovaciones Educativas Magazine publishes its 40th issue, volume 26.</strong></p> <p>The Center for Research in Education is pleased to present the most recent edition of the Journal Innovaciones Educativas, corresponding to number 40, volume 26, under the title "Innovation and Challenges in 21st Century Education: Global and Local Perspectives", this academic publication stands out for its relevant and insightful content, aimed at professionals engaged in the field of education.</p> <p>In this issue, we dive into issues of great transcendence for education with an innovative and reflective approach, for this reason, the articles presented explore diverse perspectives on globalization, social inequality, innovation in higher education, intercultural teacher training, and the challenges experienced during the virtualization of teaching, among other relevant topics.</p> <p>Globalization and Social Inequality reveals the implications of these processes on adult education, providing useful information for understanding these dynamics and for designing inclusive and equitable educational strategies to address existing disparities in access to education.</p> <p>The section dedicated to Innovation in Higher Education goes beyond technology, highlighting the importance of considering the complexity inherent in this concept. We invite education professionals to explore new perspectives and approaches in their pedagogical practices.</p> <p>Intercultural teacher training emerges as a central theme, highlighting its impact on the inclusion of migrant students. We reflect on this approach that fosters diversity and respect in the educational environment, preparing teachers to address the needs of an increasingly diverse student population.</p> <p>In addition, we address challenges inherent in Educational Virtualization, reflecting on how faculty coped with the changes resulting from the COVID-19 health emergency. These findings are essential for those who seek to improve their skills in online teaching and understand the new dimensions of this modality.</p> <p>The journal also presents successful experiences in continuing education through digital marketing, innovative proposals for the evaluation and improvement of educational quality, and reflections on transdisciplinarity and eco-training as alternatives to traditional education.</p> <p>Reading these articles provides education professionals with a broad and up-to-date perspective on the challenges and opportunities in their daily work. It is a valuable resource for those seeking to enrich their pedagogical practice, promote inclusion and diversity in the classroom, and adapt to the demands of 21st century education.</p> <p>To access the full journal and explore these resources, we invite you to visit the Educational Innovations website at State Distance University.</p> <p><strong>Press Contact:</strong></p> <p><strong>Jensy Campos-Cespedes</strong></p> <p><strong>Director - Editor</strong></p> <p><strong>Universidad Estatal a Distancia</strong></p> <p><strong>San José, Costa Rica</strong></p> <p><strong></strong></p>2024-03-05T11:37:26-06:00 - Vol. 25 - No. Special2023-12-05T20:07:37-06:00Innovaciones Educativas<p><strong>Press Release</strong><br />Vol. 25 Special Issue (2023): Digital Innovations: Remote Labs, Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse<br />Publication Date: December 5, 2023</p> <p>Innovaciones Educativas Magazine is proud to present its 25th volume, special edition for the year 2023, dedicated to exploring digital innovations in various fields of knowledge, highlighting remote laboratories, artificial intelligence and the fascinating world of the metaverse. This special edition has established itself as a valuable source of knowledge and analysis in the field of digital technologies applied to education and research.</p> <p>The editorial highlights the importance and relevance of digital innovations in the current educational landscape, offering a comprehensive view of the topics addressed in this special edition. Mireia Usart Rodríguez delves into the effectiveness of digital technologies and artificial intelligence in educational environments, providing substantial evidence of their positive impact. Lizeth Morales Zafra, Sergio Humberto Quiñonez Pech, and Ángel Alpuche Rivera explore digital teacher competence in the specific context of Mérida, Yucatán, offering a valuable perspective on the needs and challenges in this area.</p> <p>Marcos Inoñán, Pablo Orduña, and Rania Hussein present an innovative adaptation of remote laboratories to analyze digital inequalities in wireless communications education in Latin America. Ignacio J. Idoyaga explores the new perspectives offered by the extended laboratory for the design of natural science education in digital environments.</p> <p>Erick F. Salas Acuña and María Gabriela Amador Solano examine the uses of ChatGPT® in the revision of academic texts, providing valuable considerations on this innovative tool. Danny De La O - Miranda and Alexander Cortés - Campos close this special edition by exploring the metaverse as a disruptive technology that transforms the teaching methodology in higher education institutions.</p> <p>Innovaciones Educativas invites academics, researchers and enthusiasts to immerse themselves in this special volume, where the convergence of remote laboratories, artificial intelligence and the metaverse opens new possibilities for learning and research.</p> <p>To access the full special issue, please visit the following link:</p>2023-12-05T20:07:37-06:00 - Vol. 25 No. 392023-11-14T15:20:27-06:00Innovaciones Educativas<p><strong>Journal "Innovaciones Educativas" Journal presents its Volume 25, Number 39: Contributions and Reflections for Educational Quality from Research</strong></p> <p>San José, August 2023 - The academic journal "Innovaciones Educativas" is pleased to announce the publication of its latest volume, number 39.</p> <p>The journal Innovaciones Educativas is a biannual publication and a fundamental space for analysis, discussion and reflection, through specialized contributions of outstanding researchers and is dedicated to disseminate specialized intellectual productions in various areas of scientific knowledge related to education.</p> <p>This second issue of the year 2023, entitled "Aportes y Reflexiones para la Calidad Educativa desde la Investigación", presents a carefully chosen selection of manuscripts by Ibero-American researchers. These articles, essays, systematizations and scientific editorials contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge in the educational field, addressing relevant and current topics.</p> <p>The journal "Innovaciones Educativas" is proud to be an open access publication, with no monetary cost for the authors and no cost for reading and downloading the contents. It is managed by one of the research units of the Universidad Estatal a Distancia: Centro de Investigaciones en Educación (CINED) and is part of the efforts for the dissemination of knowledge made by the Costa Rican public higher education system.</p> <p>The journal accepts a variety of types of content, including scientific articles, essays, systematizations of experiences and bibliographic reviews, which are subjected to rigorous evaluation processes through the "double-blind peer review" system and receives manuscripts throughout the year.</p> <p>The current issue, Volume 25, Number 39, focuses on offering reflections and research experiences to promote educational quality from research, including works ranging from the evaluation of formative research in Distance and Online Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, to the effective implementation of corrective feedback in virtual foreign language classes. It is possible to access the current issue and previous editions through its digital platform with ISSN 2215-4132, as well as in print format with ISSN 1022-9825.</p> <p>For more information, please visit the "Innovaciones Educativas" website at</p>2023-11-14T15:20:27-06:00 su manuscrito2023-03-29T10:00:32-06:00Innovaciones Educativas<p>Estimadas y Estimados.</p> <p>Esperamos se encuentren muy bien.</p> <p>Se le extiende cordial invitación para someter a valoración su manuscrito en nuestra Revista para las ediciones 2023 y 2024.</p> <p>Puede encontrar más información en: <a title="Revista Innovaciones" href=""></a></p> <div class="text-center w-100 p-3"><img class="img-fluid" src="" alt="Anuncio Publique su manuscrito" width="800" height="600px" /></div>2023-03-29T10:00:32-06:00 Del plagio a la e-suplantación...2022-10-13T20:39:27-06:00Innovaciones Educativas<div class="xdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs x126k92a"> <div dir="auto">El Centro de Investigaciones en Educación (CINED) y la Revista Innovaciones Educativas les invita a la conferencia: “<strong>Del plagio a la e-suplantación: la sofisticación y automatización de las conductas deshonestas en la Universidad</strong>”, impartida por el Dr. Rubén Comas-Forgas, de la Universidad de Las Islas Baleares, en el marco del lanzamiento del Número Especial 2022 de la Revista Innovaciones Educativas “Integridad Académica: Nuevas perspectivas, enfoque y desafíos”.</div> </div> <div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s x126k92a"> <div dir="auto">Fecha: 21 de octubre de 2022</div> <div dir="auto">Hora: 9:30 a.m. (Hora de Costa Rica)</div> <div dir="auto">Medio: Plataforma Zoom.</div> </div> <div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s x126k92a"> <div dir="auto">Para inscribirse en la actividad, puede hacerlo en: <a class="x1i10hfl xjbqb8w x6umtig x1b1mbwd xaqea5y xav7gou x9f619 x1ypdohk xt0psk2 xe8uvvx xdj266r x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x16tdsg8 x1hl2dhg xggy1nq x1a2a7pz xt0b8zv x1fey0fg" tabindex="0" role="link" href="[0]=AT2l7eUrLpqpT9IXNpyVMPzClvhuSUFB3pYW6IsVpZuVvBoUw_UL_YSwhZwybil3Djx7RuuRUZDrByje4ChYkEkZJWslRceI-TqJ447OTGqNzwSrU5HNaXYb6urXIx6rUL6PyPZRlz3___Eo8RzY2qy_Eu-NEa7bTlstHeyBYFvNlWDcug" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"></a></div> </div> <div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s x126k92a"> <div dir="auto">Más información:</div> </div> <div class="x11i5rnm xat24cr x1mh8g0r x1vvkbs xtlvy1s x126k92a"> <div dir="auto">Actividad abierta para todo público.</div> </div> <p><img src="" width="399" height="399" /></p>2022-10-13T20:39:27-06:00 Issue: Academic Integrity: New Perspectives, Approaches, and Challenges2022-03-25T14:35:06-06:00Innovaciones Educativas<p>The Educational Innovations Magazine of the Educational Research Center (CINED) invites you to send your manuscripts to the special edition called "Academic Integrity: new perspectives, approaches and challenges" which will be carried out in collaboration with the “Ibero-American Research Network on Academic Integrity ”. For more details you can consult the attached PDF document (click here)</p> <p><img src=""></p>2022-03-25T14:35:06-06:00